Open Farm Day 2021
Open Farm Day is an annual event held across Maine, where farmers open their doors to their community and invite them to explore and learn about their farming practices. We always have an open door policy, and invite our customers to shop at our Farm Store and meet our family/animals year-round!
This past Open Farm Day, we stocked up our shop with many seasonal treats including produce from Ironwood Farm, cheese from Swallowtail, Crooked Face and Copper Tail, yogurt from Fuzzy Udder and Milkhouse, and raspberries from Fruitful Meadows. It was a community-highlighted Farm Store that was supported by many of our wonderful community members throughout the day!
Despite less-than-ideal weather (steady rain with pockets of torrential downpour), we had a good turnout and managed to take several hay rides around the farm, and enjoy lemonade with pulled pork sandwiches for a hearty lunch. Thank you to everyone that stopped by!