A letter from Brendan and Katia
March 5th, 2013
Dear Friends and Customers,
We have exciting news! After searching high and low for many years we have found a farm in Albion, ME that we are purchasing. This farm has 200 acres of prime certified organic agricultural fields, 200 acres of beautiful woodlands, many barns, and a house at the heart of the farm. Over the years we have rented land here, there, and everywhere. Some years we have gained land and some years we have lost land. We have spread compost and improved fields only to lose them the next year. It will relieve a lot of stress for us to have our own home farm with a good land base that we can count on. On the new farm we will be more efficient as we will no longer be driving tractors 18 miles down the road to make hay and trailering animals all over the place to pasture. We will be able to use the draft horses more, too! We will continue to grow all of our own forage as well as growing more of our own grains. With the land in one place we will be putting our livestock in our crop rotation, which will improve both crop and livestock health. Balancing our crop and livestock rotations will bring about an even higher level of fertility to the land as well as nutrition in the foods we offer.
We appreciate all of your support through the years and we need your continued support as we make the transition to our new farm. We will continue to rent the farm on Springhill Road in Barre, MA as long as possible. Some of our Jersey girls will stay and we will continue to offer the raw milk as well as our diverse array of foods at our Barre farm stand through the 2013 season. We plan to be at the Union Square Somerville Farmers’ Market again every Saturday 9am to 1pm from June 1st through November 23rd. We will be opening a new farm stand in the very southern town of Eliot, ME. For some of you this will be closer than our current farm stand. We will also be opening a farm stand at our new farm in Albion, ME and attending farmers’ markets in central Maine. In May we will start milking a small portion of our Jersey herd in Maine and raw milk will be available at our Albion and Eliot farm stands as well as the Barre, MA farm stand. We will be offering CSA shares as well as retail sales in all of these locations. We will be updating our website regularly, so check www.mistybrook.com to keep abreast of our progress.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. We look forward to this new adventure in providing our friends and customers with the best food possible!
Katia, Brendan, Alister, John, and the Misty Brook Farm Crew
Moo, Oink, Cluck!
Our New Farm!